Unite your support and engineering teams

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21 avis
9 months ago

Powerful integration which helps our agents stay in Zendesk rather than having to bounce to Jira to interact with other teams. My biggest feature request is for the "Description" field to support rich text, as some of the templates we use when raising Jiras for downstream teams are rather complex and having it limited to plain text is not good. It would benefit from improved formatting options. The description field directly in Jira offers rich text, so the integration should support it as well.

over 1 year ago

how to fix delays in synching? the status of a ticket is already updated in JIRA but the is big delay when reflecting the the changes in zendesk. To elaborate the status is on hold in JIRa but in Jira Integration(zendesk event source) the status is still not reflected.

over 1 year ago

As of June 2023 the Integration configuration starting in JIRA does not work. After entering our subdomain, a new tab opens to confirm the permission, and after clicking "Allow", the oauth page is not found and you cannot complete installation.

about 2 years ago

Testing this app

Piotr Karczemski
over 2 years ago

doesn't work const validateSettings = async (store) => { const valid = get(store.getState(), "metadata.settings.valid"); if (!valid) { // This happens when the app is installed directly from Zendesk App Market // There is currently no way to stop user from clicking the install button on app market. // So instead, we detect the error here and show a link for installation instruction. console.error("Jira app load ERROR", new Date(), 'invalid settings') renderErrorType('appsApiError', store); return false; } return true; }

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