
Eindhoven, Netherlands | 250 projets | 7 certifications
As a Zendesk Premier Partner we're dedicated to helping companies to create better customer relationships with an effortless customer experience. Our team helps you to implement Zendesk, together with your designers we create stunning Help Centers and our team of developers creates the best Zendesk Apps for your business.

At pluscloud we are helping our customers to create effortless customers experiences. We do this together with Zendesk as a Master Partner.

Together with your team, we're thinking ahead and we try to challenge your team to get the most out of Zendesk to create better customer relationships.

Our services include Zendesk Consulting, Zendesk Workflows, (Custom) Zendesk App Development, Custom Zendesk Help Center Themes, and Zendesk Training.

We're helping enterprises and scaleups like Cimpress, Swapfiets, KFC, Discovery Networks, Greetz, RTL, albelli, Infinitas Learning, The Student Hotel and others to get the most out of Zendesk.


Badge: Premier Solution PartnerBadge: Premier Implementation Partner
Services proposés
Data Migration
Development Services
Design/Guide Theming
System Integrator
CX Consultant
Zendesk Sell Certified
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Type de partenaire
App Developer
Implementation Partner
Solution Provider
Theme developer

Applications que nous avons créées

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